How To Choose The Right Piano

How To Choose The Right Piano

Are you thinking about buying a piano? Whether you’re a budding musician, an experienced pianist, or just want to add some musical charm to your home, choosing the right piano is an important decision. With so many options out there, it can be a bit overwhelming. But don’t worry! In this guide, Piano Rentals will explain the basics of buying a piano, including the different types of pianos and why a digital piano might be a good choice for you.

Piano Rentals has helped countless of new and experienced pianists alike throughout Southern California find the piano of their dreams. We can help you too, in person by appointment at our new Loma Linda location or online at

Understand the Types of Pianos

Pianos come in various shapes and sizes, but there are four main types you should know about:

1. Grand Piano: If you’ve ever seen a piano in a fancy concert hall, it’s probably a grand piano. They’re big and have a beautiful, classic look. Grand pianos produce a rich and full sound, making them a great choice for professional pianists and serious music lovers. However, they can be quite expensive and require a lot of space.

2. Upright Piano: Upright pianos are more compact and are a good choice for smaller homes. They have a vertical design, and the soundboard is positioned vertically inside. While they may not produce the same level of sound quality as grand pianos, they are still great for learning and playing music.

3. Baby Grand Piano: If you want the elegance of a grand piano but have limited space, a baby grand piano is a fantastic option. They are smaller than grand pianos but still produce a beautiful sound. Baby grands are a popular choice for many homes.

4. Digital Piano: In recent years, digital pianos have gained popularity. These pianos use technology to mimic the sound and feel of acoustic pianos. Digital pianos come in various styles, from compact and portable models to more elaborate ones that resemble traditional pianos. They are a great choice for beginners because they are often more affordable and require less maintenance. Many even have headphone jacks, so the beginning pianist can practice without disturbing the household. It’s a win-win!

Whatever type of piano you fancy, can help. We have an array of pianos available. You can choose the piano you want to buy or rent.

Assess Your Needs and Space

Before rushing to buy a piano, think about your needs and the space you have available. Ask yourself these questions:

1. How much space do I have? Measure the area where you plan to put your piano to ensure it fits comfortably.

2. What is my budget? Pianos can vary greatly in price, so it’s essential to have a clear budget in mind.

3. Am I a beginner or an experienced pianist? Your skill level can influence the type of piano you should choose. Beginners may find digital pianos more accessible, while experienced players might prefer acoustic pianos.

4. Will I be moving my piano? If you plan to move your piano frequently, a digital piano or a portable keyboard might be a better choice.

Consider the Advantages of a Digital Piano

Digital pianos have become increasingly popular for several reasons:

1. Affordability: Digital pianos are often more budget-friendly than acoustic pianos, making them an excellent choice for beginners.

2. Space-saving: If you have limited space, a digital piano takes up less room and is easier to fit into smaller homes or apartments.

3. Maintenance: Digital pianos require minimal maintenance compared to acoustic pianos, which need tuning and regular care.

4. Sound Options: Digital pianos allow you to experiment with different sounds, including various piano tones and even non-piano sounds like strings and organs.

5. Volume Control: You can adjust the volume on a digital piano, making it a great option for practicing without disturbing others.

Test Before You Buy

When buying a piano, whether it’s an acoustic or digital one, it’s essential to try it out first. Visit a music store or showroom where you can play different pianos to see which one feels and sounds right for you. Pay attention to the following:

1. Key Feel: The keys should feel comfortable under your fingers. Some pianos have weighted keys to mimic the feel of an acoustic piano.

2. Sound Quality: Listen to the piano’s sound. Is it clear and pleasing to your ears?

3. Features: If you’re considering a digital piano, explore its features. Does it have the sounds and functions you need?

Do Some Research

Before making your final decision, do some online research and read reviews from other piano buyers. You can find valuable information and insights from people who have already gone through the process of choosing a piano. Additionally, consider seeking advice from music teachers or experienced pianists who can provide guidance based on their expertise. is a great resource when choosing a piano teacher for you or your loved one. Click here to learn more.

Don’t Forget About Accessories

When you buy a piano, you may need some additional accessories, such as a piano bench, a music stand, headphones (for digital pianos), and piano books if you’re learning to play. Make sure to factor these into your budget and purchase them along with your piano.


Choosing the right piano doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By understanding the different types of pianos, assessing your needs and space, considering the advantages of a digital piano, testing pianos before buying, doing research, and thinking about necessary accessories, you can make an informed decision. 

Whether you opt for a grand piano, an upright piano, a baby grand piano, or a digital piano, the key is to find the one that fits your budget, space, and musical aspirations. Piano Rentals is always here to help.
Visit, the easy access website for Piano Rentals. You can browse our inventory, take the steps to look for a teacher, or set an appointment for an in-person experience. Happy piano hunting!